Visit of Bishop NIKON - 11/18/07

photos by Paul Salina
Greeting of our Bishop with bread and salt by our Warden Paul Salina.
Entrance prayers.
"May your light so shine among men that they may see your good works and glorify our father in heaven..."
"O Heavenly King"
"I wash my hands in innocence..."
The Little Entrance
"Eis polla eti Despota"
"Holy God"
George Ludko reads the epistle.
Protodeacon Paul Nimchek reads the gospel.
His Grace preaches the word of God.
William Kopcha, OCF VP prepares to wash the bishop hands.
The Great Entrance
".. may the Lord God remember in His Kingdom, always now and ever ..."
"You and all Orthodox Christians ..."
The Creed
"Take, Eat, ..."
"...Thine own of thine own ..."
"The Holy things are for the holy."
Communion of the clergy.
Our Choir
"In the fear of God and with faith, draw near."
Communion of the faithful.
Andrew Boyd (OCF Pres.) and William Kopcha assist Bp. NIKON.
"Let us depart in peace."
Fr. David thanks His Grace for presiding at the Divine Liturgy.
Barbara Burrill and Dan Bradanini are presented Gramotas by Bp. NIKON.
Marion & Ed Bichun are presented a Gramota by Bp. NIKON.
His Grace congratulates Fr. David on the 20th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.
Recipients of Gramotas: Ed & Marion Bichun, Dan Bradanini, Barbara Burrill and David Bartos (not pictured).
"God grant you many years!"
The children gather around Bp. NIKON.
"Eis polla" trio and the choir.
Choir director Jason Ferrandino.
His Grace blesses the choir.
Gramota recipients with Bp. NIKON, Fr. David and Fr. John.
The sisterhood prepared a wonderful luncheon.
Bp. NIKON blesses the food.
The faithful of Holy Trinity ....
... celebrate the day.